Category: Our Year In Czech

  • Third Time’s The Charm

    It’s 1:11am. Normally I would write this after dinner, but tonight we had some guests over to watch a little Dodgers baseball on the TV. Bethany got me an subscription when we moved over here because she knows how much I love the Dodgers. Basically, when they are playing a day game on the…

  • It Was Nice To…

    Czechs love to walk. Especially if it’s not raining (and somtimes if it is!) or if the sun is out or both. You can walk pretty much anywhere you need to in our town. The post office, the grocery store, the city hall, the bank–it’s all within a few minutes of where we live. Today…

  • The Tale of the Rent and the Babička

    As I was walking in to the JV office this morning I get a text from Bethany, “Are you in your meeting yet?” I wasn’t. She texts again, “Can I call you?” “Yes,” I replied. Phone rings. I pick up. Bethany: “So…we don’t know how much our rent is.” Me: “Huh?” Bethany: “[our landord] just…

  • One Box At A Time

    Some people take life one day at a time, but we like to take it one box at a time. If you’ve ever moved, you know what I’m talking about. It’s like you keep unpacking and unpacking and the more you unpack the harder it gets to find places for everything. There’s actually a part…

  • Making Progress on Sunday

    We’ve already shared before that Sundays in church have been tough with the kids. The summer months are especially hard in Czech because our church (photo above) doesn’t have Sunday school for the kids so we’re taking them to the main two hour service. We do our best to have them draw in a coloring…