Camp Meetings

Camp Meeting (9/21/14)

In the above photo you can see my view for most of the day today. There were a few breaks in there for meals and some random things, but for the most part I spent my day in the back corner of a big conference room. I was attending and somewhat participating in the Josiah Venture camp team meetings. They are the team that puts on all the camps through Central & Eastern Europe and an important part of young people hearing the gospel for the first time. Today they were working on next year’s camps and talking through the theme. When I left tonight it sounded like they were leaning on something around the life of the apostle Paul which sounds great. I was there to lend my brain to the theme itself, the theme name, and even some of the thought behind what it all might look like graphically next year. It was a pleasure to with them and I’m thankful for the invite.

Tomorrow everyone will arrive for the first evening session which will actually kick of the fall conference. Our team is busy, but we’re excited about what lies ahead for the attendees. Please continue to pray for me as I’m still not 100% healthy and am hoping to get better and better.


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