Another First: Dinner in a Czech Home
This is what I saw when I walked in to the Creative Communications office this morning. Water…and lots of it. All over the desks, on the keyboard of one of the computers, and on the floor. How did this happen you ask? Our office is on the third floor and the ceiling slopes. There are…
Thomason Tour: Stop 1
Just yesterday we left Kingsburg where we spent four days (Friday – Monday) serving at Grace Church of the Valley (GCV). We stayed with a great family, the Andersons, and our kids loved playing with their dog Remi and their kitten Boots (pictured above). I (Shay) have begun helping lead music for GCV every other weekend.…
Thomason Tour
For next two weeks our little family is taking a drive up the West Coast to spend time with friends and family and to share about what God is doing in our lives. We’re calling it “Thomason Tour” and we hope you will follow along with us as we travel. If you’re following along on…
Grace That is Greater Than All Our Sin
It wouldn’t be right to have a Web site called “It’s All Grace” and not talk about grace. That’s why today I figured we would just sing about it. A classmate and friend of ours, Greg Clark, is the music director at a church near us. He’s been posting some great videos of hymns and…
Titus is 3
We had a little birthday party a few days before his actual birthday and enjoyed breaking the fire code in our condo with all the kids and families. It was a sports themed party and we had funny taking “baseball card” photos of all the kids. Here’s a few photos of the day. All the…