“Bye Bye, Ty Ty”
I feel about as sick as I’ve felt while living in Czech. I slept for four hours this afternoon and still feel exhausted. Those who regularly follow our story know that we have not been very healthy since moving here, and the past week has been no different. It’s hard to distinguish between what is…
Titus and Mommy Go On a Date
Tonight was the first time Titus and Bethany have gone on a “date.” Titus has had this idea in his head for about a week now and he has been talking about it a lot. Bethany and I decided they would go tonight and they had to drive a little bit, but they went to…
Verbs, Czech, Love, and Optimus Prime
We spent a more extended time in our Czech language study today and it was a mix of grammar and speaking. This morning we had our normal language grammar lesson with Tamara and we were working on verbs. There are so many forms that verbs in Czech take, it’s amazing. After some serious drilling and…
Titus’ First Official School Photo
You remember that day a few weeks ago? You know, the one where there was a party at Titus’ school that we didn’t know about? Well, I’m proud to show you the photos from that historic day! Bethany was sold these photos today at Titus’ school and above is a photo of his entire class.…
Overall it’s been a really encouraging week. Many people have sent us kind words via email and social media in regards to our baby gender announcement (if you missed that post be sure and go check it out). Bethany and I have been working harder on reviewing our Czech language cards and I’m just encouraged…