Titus’ 5th Birthday
We celebrated Titus’ 5th birthday today, although it the real party isn’t until tomorrow. This was the first time that Titus had school on his birthday so I felt like it was just a little weird that we kind of had to wait until he was out today before we could celebrate. We were all…
Speaking of Titus
While saying goodbye to Titus at his school this morning he said something interesting. I had glanced in to the room to see what the other kids were doing and I saw a few boys had lined every green army guy they could find in formation. I said to Titus, “Look, dude! Army guys!” He’s…
An Early Birthday and the Trinity
Titus got to celebrate his birthday a little early today. Technically he doesn’t turn five until next Friday (the 24th), but since Papa and Nana sent him a package in the mail yesterday, we asked them if he could open it today with them watching via Skype. So with everyone gathered on or around the…
Health, Flags, and Avery’s Babies
As much as we’ve talked about how sick we’ve been over the past ten months, I’m happy to report we have been healthy now for a few weeks! This is definitely an answer to prayer and we’re thankful for the break from sore throats and runny noses. With the weather warming up this has allowed…
Mystery Monster Tree (A True Tale)
There is an old walnut tree that sits in the yard I can see him staring at me like a castle guard I don’t like his skin, it’s broken and rough I’ve tried looking away, but it’s just not enough His eyes so big, one on top of the other And a large open mouth,…