Category: Czech Republic

  • Home Improvement

    It was a beautiful sunny Sunday here in Czech. We had the privilege of attending church for the 3rd time since we’ve been here and we even and English translation through in-ear headsets. The pastor was preached through the last part of Ephesians 4 and the first paragraph of Ephesians 5. We were able to…

  • Our First Night Sleeping At Home

    You would think after almost three weeks in Czech Republic that we would be sleeping in our own home already, but we’ve actually been jumping around a bit. Tonight is the first night we will actually sleep in our own place. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to do that. We’ve basically been…

  • Unpacking Our Lives

    Today we unpacked. That’s it. End transmission. OK…there was a little more to it. The day started off with some nice dolphin toast… wait, never mind that! Move along… We unpacled a lot today. I can’t say I have photos of it all because we were moving along in a hurry, but I do have some.…

  • Special Delivery

    It’s here! It didn’t fall into the Atlantic and amazingly everything was just the way we packed it when it left the United States. Our container arrived today! As our friend Rachael said, “Getting your container is like Christmas, only better because you already know you like the stuff.” She’s right. It was like Christmas…

  • Say It Right, Broken Flight, And A Little Too Tight

    Today was a bit of a rest day. We had a full day yesterday traveling from Bratislava and we spent the evening cleaning and packing as we made a small move from the place we’ve been staying to another missionaries house just down the road. Our container is scheduled to arrive tomorrow! We believe we…