A Windy City and Some Pumpkins

This post was originally sent to our email newsletter subscribers.

Though we’ve been a bit under the weather, we’re blessed to be back together again as a family as Bethany and I were away last week at Josiah Venture orientation in Wheaton, IL. The Lord really used that time to both solidify his call in our lives as well as encourage us through the JV staff and other missionaries.

A Little About Orientation

Orientation is really designed to be an introduction to entering in to a cross-cultural ministry as well provide detailed information on being a missionary with JV. Though the days were full, they were not long, and we were really blessed by our dinners together. Each night we were given the opportunity to share how the Lord led us to the field and how He worked in each of our lives. It was such a joy to hear and share each other’s stories and see God’s sovereign hand at work. We met other missionaries heading to Czech Republic, as well as Romania, Estonia, Poland, Ukraine, and Latvia. We serve the God of many nations and it’s a joy to see other’s committed to bringing the gospel to the whole world.

5 Hour Vacation

Since Wheaton is only a quick train ride from downtown Chicago, Bethany and I spent a few hours in the Windy City before flying back home. It was a first for both us of and we enjoyed seeing “The Bean” and taking an hour long archicture tour boat ride on the Chicago River. Our California bodies can only withstand so much cold air, so we warmed up with a little deep dish pizza from Pizano’s. We’re convinced that Chicago style pizza is the only real way to enjoy pizza. And one more thing: that Sear’s Tower is big…real big.

Family Life

As is our tradition, we spent a few hours on a Saturday at the pumpkin patch. We’ve been doing this for a few years now and it’s always fun to drive out to Lombardi Ranch and find that perfectly round ball of orange. Titus picked one out that he called “TyTy size”, which really just means it’s small, but he also enjoyed riding on the “horsies” (mules) in the covered wagon (complete with a lazy dog named Jeff). Later we spent some time painting our pumpkins. It’s a little messy, but Titus loved it.

We have plans to see family for Thanksgiving so we’re looking forward to that near the end of the month. As the Lord moves this process forward, we realize that many of these times are limited so that’s obviously hard. Please pray that the Lord would allow our family time to be sweet and that He would be glorified.

Newsletter Coming Soon

For those of you who received our short-term vision trip letter, you will soon be receiving another letter from us. It will introduce you to the team we’re building and how you can be involved with our ministry. Look for it in the mail this month, and if you would like to be added to our “snail mail” list please let us know by replying to this email.

Our Bio Is Up

Our bio is now up on the JV Web site. Feel free to check it out here: http://www.josiahventure.com/people-and-places/bteam/397

Prayer Requests

  • I (Shay) will be preaching to the junior and senior high schoolers on Sunday, Nov. 18th from the book of Ecclessiastes. Please pray for my preparation time and for receptive hearts from the young people at our church.
  • We will be in Washington state for Thanksgiving from Nov. 21-26. Please pray for a sweet time together with family. If you’re in the Washington area, we would love to connect with you. Please drop us a line and let’s see if we can get together.
  • We are looking into options as to how and when to sell our condo here in California. Please pray for wisdom and direction as we look to leave for Czech Republic by Summer of 2013.

Thank you for taking the time to read these updates. We are thankful to God for your support.

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