A Little Trip to Prague (pt. 1)

6:10am is when my alarm went off this morning and it’s been a nonstop day since then. We’ve had this trip to Prague planned for a few weeks now and even though I’ve been sick for a few days now, we didn’t really want to miss the opportunity to see our friends and see a little of the capitol city of Czech Republic. I’m still feeling sick, albeit a little bit better than yesterday and I’m hoping good rest tonight will be key for me to hopefully be over the hill of this sickness.

Trip to Prague (part 1) (2/27/15)

The day started with a walk to the train station and a four-hour trip across Czech. Thankfully the trains are super comfortable and pretty relaxing–it definitely beats driving! Titus and Avery do pretty well on the train, but about an hour before we arrived in Prague they both started saying things like, “I want to get off” and “I want to go home now.” That’s when you have to get creative as a parent and find other things to do on the train. “Go look out the window!” Actually, Bethany brought some fun things for the kids do like coloring and a little craft so it wasn’t so bad. In fact, I actually got a little reading in which was nice.

Here’s a photo of Avery waiting for the train early this morning.

Trip to Prague (part 1) (2/27/15)

Here’s Titus watching the world go by.

Trip to Prague (part 1) (2/27/15)

We actually have never really spent time in Prague. We had a few hours here the very first time we came to Czech in 2011, but we were so jet-lagged we don’t really remember it well. At that time Zach and Kara were the ones that met us at the airport and brought us into the city. We toured for a few hours and then had to catch a train to where the Josiah Venture offices are and we’ve never really been back to the city since then. Today, Zach again met us at the train station and helped us situated at where we’re staying. It was a ton of fun to catch up with him as he and Kara just recently moved from our side of the country to this side. They are working with a church here in Prague and helping support the ministry there. As we sat here talking today I looked out the window and was just amazed at the beauty. This picture doesn’t do justice, but the older architecture, blue skies, and sunlight coming through was just wonderful.

Trip to Prague (part 1) (2/27/15)

We had a late lunch with Zach and spent most of the afternoon with him until he had to leave for their church’s youth group gathering. Kara had meetings this afternoon so she wasn’t able to join us, but we’re excited to get together again tomorrow and just do a little sight seeing and catch up with her too.

Tonight we had dinner near where we’re staying and enjoyed walking through the city. Without really knowing it we stumbled in to the old town square where we had once been four years ago and I took the picture below of one of the old buildings that was all lit up.

Trip to Prague (part 1) (2/27/15)

After dinner we found a grocery store and got a few things for tomorrow. Grocery stores are usually really easy to find and now that we’re familiar with how they work they are the best way to grab a meal or two and take back with you to your apartment. I was even surprised to find Dole brand bananas. I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve seen a brand I recognize like that.

Trip to Prague (part 1) (2/27/15)

Even though the kids were really tired, they did great today. Above is a photo of them tonight enjoying a little cookie dessert before bed (I know, I know, please don’t judge us). And even though I’m still under the weather, I think the Lord really sustained me. It also helped that the weather was really nice today and great weather to walk and enjoy a little taste of Europe. We don’t take for granted these times, especially since they don’t happen very often. In the States we enjoyed taking weekends away to San Diego or the beach and now I think we’re trying to see what we can do to replace those times. Maybe it’s a big city like Prague, I don’t know. But wherever we go, I’m glad we’re together as a family and am so thankful for the time we get.

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