As I was getting my first Czech haircut this morning, I got a call from my friend Kristin. She told me that the preschool Titus was on the waiting list for had a spot open up for him (6 days before school starts!) and I needed to go pick up the application at the school and make a doctor appointment for Titus so he could be cleared to attend school. I felt a mixture of both excitement and panic! I finished my haircut, had lunch and called Kristin again to make a game plan for how I was going to ask for the application in Czech. By God’s providence, Kristin’s Czech friend, Miša, was at their house and offered to come right over to go with us to the school to help translate. The Lord’s provision is so specific and timely! It had been raining all morning so as soon as I could get the kids and I our boots, jackets and the umbrella, Kristin and Miša were here and we started walking.
The preschool is just around the corner from us and maybe takes 5 minutes walking with little legs. In the winter, Kristin said she took her boys to this same school on a sled because there are never any snow days. We got to the school and Titus went right to the outdoor play equipment and as we walked inside Titus and Avery headed for the all the toys. Later, his teacher explained to me through Miša that even on cold, rainy days the kids will play outside so she wanted me to make sure and have Titus bring extra clothes and a pair of shoes that will get muddy and wet. When they come inside they change, put on “house shoes” and keep the classrooms nice and toasty. Miša interpreted while Titus’ sweet teacher explained the application process and asked a few questions about Titus like, “Is he very active? A little energy or a lot?” I laughed and said, “Yes and a LOT!”
You can be praying for Titus that he would be putting into practice at school what we’re trying to teach him at home like self control and kindness towards others, even when we’re not around to train these things. We’re starting with maybe 2-3 days per week from morning until after lunch because I want that critical time with him and I at home and hope his being in school will help me see with new eyes areas we need to focus on with him. You can be praying that we would be faithful in our instruction and discipline of Titus and Avery as we’ve already seen areas they (and us!) need to grow in.
This is the view from the second story window of the preschool.
We walked home and Miša offered to come over and help me fill out the application form since it was all in Czech. Kristin made an appointment for us with their pediatrician and will come with us tomorrow morning to help translate as well. We have met so many sweet and helpful people here; we’re so thankful!
One response to “A Haircut and Titus Starting Preschool”
I took my first night off from the blog but @thewifey picked up the slack. Oh, and Titus starts school next week! –