Category: Our Year In Czech

  • Getting Ready for Conference

    We have been on the go today and it really started this morning with Bethany’s doctor appointment. I decided to stay home and watch the kids because her appointment was a longer one which required her to lay back and relax while they monitor the baby’s heart beat for fifteen minutes. She ended up taking…

  • Late Night, Short Post

    It’s 1:09am. If that doesn’t tell you what kind of day it’s been, well, I’ll just say it’s been full! From start to finish this day has been non-stop, but we’re doing good. Above is a photo of our kids literally climbing the walls of our apartment. I feel like this photo just kind of…

  • Playing in Fields of Yellow

    To my knowledge, I don’t remember a time in my life where someone has tried to wake me up but couldn’t–that is until today. Bethany said I slept through my alarm four times and even tried touching me and talking to me to get me to wake up. I don’t remember any of it. She…

  • Seeing Friends and Enjoying Saturday at Home

    You might say the day got off to an early start because at 4:30am we were up and at em’. No, weren’t catching a plane or train or going on a trip, but we were “meeting up” with with friends via video chat this morning. Since California is nine hours behind us, we had to…

  • The Last on the First

    Today is kind of a special day. Almost twelve months ago our church family in the States brought us a box full of envelopes and each envelope was marked with a month and was packed full. Actually, I remember the night they brought them to us because it was a day or two before we…