Author: Shay

  • An Unchangeable Friend

    Jonathan Edwards with a timeless message on “Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever” (dated April 1738) You may greatly comfort yourself that you have an unchangeable friend in Christ Jesus. From the unchangeableness of your Savior, you may be assured of your continuance in a state of grace. As to yourself, you are…

  • Never The Same

    Bethany and I have talked before how could probably never do missions in a culture like Papua New Guinea. Even last night as we were spending time with some missionaries heading to Ireland, we both shared how living in the jungle just doesn’t seem like a great fit for us. The reality is, that’s probably…

  • Seeing Friends

    We spent this past weekend up in the northern California area with some great friends of ours, the Murrays. They moved away about a year ago and we’ve wanted to catch up with them ever since. Though it was a quick weekend, we made it up there late on Friday and enjoyed some time in…

  • How Are You Being Spent?

    Heard this quote while listening to a sermon on missions. Love it. I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light. — John Keith Falconer

  • Understanding a World in Crisis

    We got word of this message by Mathias Kern this past week and after hearing it we thought it was worth sharing. There’s some helpful information about the rise of Islam in the world today and what it means for Christians and the next generation.