Month: October 2014

  • Sick Cycle Carousel

    I hate to sound like a broken record, but the kids and Bethany are fully sick yet again. This time the kids have fevers and Bethany has actually had some significant stomach pain today. I’m starting to think our bodies are genuinely adjusting to this new locale and different weather patterns, but I’m not a…

  • Sunday (Literally) or What We Miss Sometimes

    I think Tuesday was the last time we saw the sun shine. It was on our drive home from Vienna and it wasn’t for very long, but I do remember the sun coming out. That was five days ago. Bethany and I talked today about the sun, or the lack of it. We never really…

  • A Sleepy Saturday

    Why is Avery walking around with an American flag in her mouth? Honestly, I have no idea, but I took the photo below today and was just laughing at her. She was running around with a little flag she has and kept wanting us to do the pledge of allegiance. I’m realizing now that there…

  • Haircuts Again

    Titus and I had another trip to the hairdresser today. Each time we go I have to ask our friend Mel to make the appointment for us since we don’t speak Czech, and our appointment today was at 9:30am. We got there on time and I told Titus I would go first. I kind of…

  • Heaters and Envelopes

    Our radiators (heaters) are working again! The funny part about it is when I’m trying to communicate with our landlord I usually just send an email that I use Google Translate to put in Czech for me. I have no clue how it sounds when she receives it, but apparently it worked because she brought…