My Favorite Books of 2021
Every year I attempt to read at least one book a month on average. This year I had set a goal to read fourteen books, but according to my GoodReads account I finished twenty-five. Now, I must admit that some of these books I started in 2020 and finished in 2021 because they were ones…
Email, Pizza, Date
I got an email from our landlord the other day. The subject was “Wash exterior window sills” and the email read, Hello Mrs. Bethany on Thursday morning ie. Oct. 16. 2014 at home? You will need to wash again sills and you have a lot of work with children, so I ordered the lady who…
My Top 10 Books…For Now
Every night I sit down to write about our day here in Czech. Most days have at least one event that I can expound on in this new place, but today was just normal. I say normal because we had a nice breakfast together as a family, I worked at the JV offices most of…